Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy For Hair Loss / Advanced PRP

Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy

PRP therapy is becoming a popular complement to hair transplants. PRP can help accelerate the growth of transplanted hair roots while also thickening existing hair. Recent studies have suggested that applying PRP to the scalp can address androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness). Complex baldness problems may require getting once-a-month PRP treatments for four to six months. For all patients addressing hair loss, consistent treatment with PRP therapy yields optimal results. Almost 80% of men and around 50% of women suffer hair loss at some stage in their life. This disorder is generally known as AGA – Androgenetic alopecia. While there is no known 100% effective cure for this disorder, one therapy that has been shown to be effective is Platelet-rich plasma – PRP hair treatment.

We offer PRP hair loss treatment in Bangalore at our Dermaglo Laser Skin Clinic. The treatment starts with blood being taken from your arm, similar to a blood test. Your blood is then placed into a tube. Inside this tube will be a separation gel which will isolate your platelet-rich red blood cells from the plasma that makes up your blood.

For this separation process to be completed, your blood, along with the separation gel will be placed in a centrifuge machine. The end product is what’s known as platelet-rich plasma or PRP. This solution is injected into the thinning areas of your scalp that are showing signs of hair loss. PRP therapy can help regenerate hair follicles in areas where hair growth has thinned. We inject the plasma into the scalp at the areas where hair has stopped growing. The plasma boosts regeneration, extending the growth cycle.

Growth Factor Concentrate Treatment By PRP Therapy Consist of the Following:

At DermaGlo our PRP treatments in Growth factor concentrate for your hair growth can enhance hair restoration and other cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. The platelets, one type of blood cells, contain growth factors that can trigger cell proliferation, speed healing and stimulate tissue regeneration in the treated area.

When PRP is used to treat hair loss, the patient should wash their hair the day of treatment, and not use any products on the hair. A clean hat should be brought to the appointment and worn after the procedure to protect the area.

Because PRP therapy involves drawing blood, it is important for the patient to eat a meal before the procedure to avoid lightheadedness.

The first doctor draws blood from the patient’s arm and then separates PRP from the rest of the components. This solution is injected into the thinning areas of your scalp that are showing signs of hair loss. PRP therapy can help regenerate hair follicles in areas where hair growth has thinned. We inject the plasma into the scalp at the areas where hair has stopped growing. The plasma boosts regeneration, extending the growth cycle.

Then the procedure follows multiple sessions till it gets over patient has to come to the clinic for updating and normal checkup since it is a very complex but simple procedure he has to follow through till the end.

growth factor concentrate for hair
growth factor concentrate for hair

Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy For Hair Loss

What is GFC Treatment?

Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy or GFC treatment is a highly safe, dedicated, concentrated growth factor preparation from the candidate’s blood cells to offer superior natural results.

Blood Platelets are enriched with various growth factors. Wockhardt Scientists extract them from the blood at a high concentration as a Growth Factor Concentrate is a specially designed Workhardt GFC kit.

The collected GFC is then administered at the site to be treated with precise tools and specialists. The overall process involves no platelet loss and is non-pyrogenous (non-pyrogenic), secure, and regenerates damaged tissues naturally.

What are the Advantages of Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy?

GFC Therapy is the next-generation hair loss treatment that delivers one’s growth factors at higher concentrations.

  • Highly effective and promotes natural and enhanced regeneration.
  • Statistically significant increase in hair count and thickness guaranteed.
  • 100% safe and prepared from the candidate’s blood.
  • Zero RBCs and WBCs involved, which decreases pain and inflammation risk.
  • Convenience and quality are guaranteed from the procedure.
  • Less number of sessions are required to get optimum results.
  • Experience the best GFC therapy service from our industry’s best experts who have more than 11 years of experience.

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